(Gorillaz) came down to Northampton last week because we’re planning for me to do the libretto on their next opera project. Being an opportunist, I of course asked them if they’d be prepared to contribute some pages to Dodgem Logic. Rather than just doing an interview with them, I thought it would be interesting to hand over a few pages for them to curate.
Ah, yes, a new opera from Gorillaz! - a followup to Damon Albarn’s “Monkey: Journey to the West,” his circus opera of 2007, designed by fellow Gorilla Jamie Hewlett. That opera, a redesigned Chinese legend, “follows the story of The Monkey King, a hyperactive ape who gains immortality after leading a revolt against heaven,” explained NME. No word yet on what this new opera will be like, but we’ll keep you posted.For more on Moore’s Dodgem Logic, and his clash with the owners of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill’s music (who happen to be his former publishers) over new lyrics to The Threepenny Opera in Moore’s The Block Dossier.